Frequently asked questions.

How will I be billed?

You will be invoiced from the first day you go live and billed each calendar month after. Invoices are generated 2 days in advance and can be viewed and paid using our online portal. We accept all debit and credit cards and we can setup a direct debit if you prefer. If you are still with an existing provider we allow up to 30 days free usage of our service whilst you wait for your previous provider to cancel the service.

What speeds do you offer?

Like all ISPs we don’t guarantee speeds but unlike other ISPs we don’t oversell our bandwidth. We don’t sell speeds rather we provide each customer with the fastest connection we can. We have capped our subscribers for each leased line installed to ensure you always have plenty of bandwidth no matter how many devices are online at once.

What happens in the event of an outage?

We actively monitor all sites 24/7 and can attend to outages immediately as they happen. We are also working with Briant Communications in Worthing who have engineers available in Brighton for emergencies relating to rooftop installations. Finally our service agreement with the fibre provider has a guarantee of 99% uptime. We are confident our service is better value than any of the bigger players so we don’t try and lock you in.

How will you ensure safe installation during the pandemic?

The majority of the installation will happen on the home’s exterior. However we will need to come into your home to setup the router and run the cable. For this we will wear approved PPE at all times and wipe down any surfaces before leaving.

Does your proposed set up still rely on the Openreach/BT infrastructure?

Absolutely not! We are using our own gigabit fibre infrastructure to connect to various exchanges across Brighton, bypassing the decrepit phone and coaxial lines used by other ISPs. We use wireless P2P (point to point) linkups from our private fibre connection to distribute to your home.

What is your timeline?

We are live now!

Can I have a landline phone?

You can continue with your traditional phone connection or we can offer a hosted VoIP solution using your broadband connection. For more information on this please contact us.

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